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Oklahoma Hazardous Waste Registrations and Permits

What is Hazardous Waste “Alliance” Registration/Permits: An Overview
The Hazardous Waste “Alliance” registration and permit scheme allows transporters and shippers of hazardous materials to register and be allowed in multiple states utilizing a single application. The initiative aims to promote public health and safety by making it easier for transportation businesses to follow rules.

How it works:

• Carriers obtain qualifications in the state where they travel most frequently.
• These credentials are valid throughout all participating states.
• All participating states share the same application forms and fee assessment formulas.
• The program is overseen by a governing body made up of member nations.

• Reduces administrative load for applicant firms.
• Helps transportation businesses comply with rules.
• Promotes public health and safety.
Participating states include Michigan, Nevada, Oklahoma, and West Virginia.

Oklahoma Corporation Commission permits
What qualifies hazardous material?

The term “hazardous material” refers to substances categorized in the federal hazardous materials table under 49 CFR Part 172, which specifies transportation restrictions.

What defines hazardous waste?

Hazardous waste is a type of hazardous substance that is harmful to public health or the environment. It is included in the federal hazardous materials table, 49 CFR Part 172.

What is the Alliance Permit for Uniform Hazmat Transportation Procedures?

An Alliance for Uniform Hazmat Transportation Procedures Permit, sometimes known as a “Alliance Permit,” is a necessary credential for commercial motor vehicle carriers carrying hazardous goods or hazardous waste throughout the four member Alliance states. This permit assures that interstate and intrastate transportation adheres to state and federal standards.

Who needs to obtain an Alliance Permit?

• Only transporters of hazardous waste: If you carry hazardous waste that requires a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest (49 CFR Part 262) and engage in interstate or intrastate commerce, you must get an Alliance Permit. All state and federal requirements must be met.

• Transporters of hazardous materials and waste: If you carry both hazardous materials and hazardous waste, you must follow the guidelines for hazardous waste transportation.

• Only transport hazardous materials: If you solely carry hazardous materials, you may not need an Alliance Permit in Oklahoma, but other states may require it. If the hazardous substance requires a placard under 49 CFR Part 172.500 and similar laws, an Alliance Permit is required.

Which states participate in the Alliance?

The Alliance for Uniform Hazmat Transportation Procedures includes Michigan, Nevada, Oklahoma, and West Virginia. Each state has its own restrictions regarding hazardous load and waste, and some charge fees for transportation.
• Michigan controls hazardous trash and charges a fee, but not for dangerous materials.
• Nevada controls hazardous items, including radioactive waste, and charges fees for both.
• Oklahoma charges a price for hazardous waste, but not for hazardous materials.
• West Virginia regulates hazardous materials, including hazardous waste, and charges fees for both categories.

Where may an Alliance Permit be used?

An Alliance Permit authorizes the transportation of hazardous materials and waste throughout all Alliance member nations.

How can you apply for an Alliance Permit?

Applications for the Alliance Permit can be submitted online through contact. The online application simplifies the procedure by automating fee computations and providing electronic payment choices.

What is the filing fee?

The filing cost varies depending on mileage and any additional state charges for hazardous materials. To correctly calculate your cost, you’ll need the most recent IRP mileage data. OAC 165:30-17-15 provides specific information on Oklahoma fees.

Which state will serve as your Alliance’s base state?

• If transporting hazardous waste, your base state is the Alliance state where you are based or have the highest hazardous waste mileage.
• If you transport hazardous materials but not hazardous waste, your base state will be the Alliance state with the highest hazardous material mileage or where you are based.

What is the term of an Alliance Permit?
The initial Alliance Permit and registration are valid for 1 year and must be renewed annually. A Permit Review is undertaken every three years as part of the renewal procedure.

Do you get a credential?

Yes, a credential is granted and must be carried in all vehicles transporting hazardous chemicals or waste.


What are the other requirements?

To meet the Alliance Permit criteria, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

• An electricity USDOT Number is necessary.
• In Oklahoma, intrastate trade requires a permit.
• To conduct interstate commerce, federal regulations require registration under the Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) program.
• The US Department of Transportation may mandate annual registration.
• To transport hazardous waste, an EPA number issued by your base state’s environmental agency is required. While the Oklahoma Corporation Commission issues hazardous waste transport credentials, the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality oversees other aspects of hazardous waste handling and storage.

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